President: Adoración Álvaro-Moya, CUNEF, Spain (retires 2025)

Adoración Álvaro-Moya is Associate Professor of Economic History at CUNEF (Madrid). PhD in Economic History by Universidad Complutense of Madrid, she has been visiting fellow at Universities of Reading, York and Jinan. Her research has focused on the long term effects of foreign direct investment in late developing economies, being awarded twice by the Spanish Association of Economic Historians. Having published near twenty articles and book chapters, including at Business History and Business History Review, she serves on the board of Business History and is the General Secretary of the Spanish Economic History Association.
Vice-president: Bram Bouwens, Utrecht University, Netherlands (retires 2027)

Bram Bouwens is researcher at the Department of History and Art History of Utrecht University. He published widely on competition and concentration especially on business interest associations, cartels, mergers and acquisitions. He participated in the Dutch business history project that focused on the Varieties of Capitalism during the 20th century. The results of this research project were published in several articles and books (see for example: K. Sluyterman (ed.), Varieties of Capitalism and Business History; Routledge 2015) In commissioned research projects Bram wrote studies on the history of the paper and board industry, Heineken, Tata Steel and very recently a book on Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM). In 2018 he co-edited (with Takafumi Kurosawa and Pierre-Yves Donzé the volume Industries and global competition; a history of business beyond borders (Routledge).
Treasurer: Marten Boon, NTNU, Norway (retires 2027)

Marten Boon is researcher at the Department for Archeology, Conservation and History at the University of Oslo. He received his PhD in economic and business history from Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2014. His thesis was awarded the dissertation prize of the European Business History Association in 2016. He is the author of Multinational Business and Transnational Regions and co-editor of Transnational Regions in Historical Perspective (both with Routledge). Currently, he is writing the history of the Norwegian state-owned oil company Equinor. His main interests are in the business, economic and transnational history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, comprising themes such as foreign direct investment, tax havens, political risk, business and war, the oil industry, commodity markets and trading companies.
Secretary: Pierre-Yves Donzé, Osaka University, Japan (retires 2026)

Pierre-Yves Donzé is a professor of business history at Osaka University, Japan, and a visiting professor at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He studied history at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, where he received his PhD. in 2005, before doing research stints in Japan and in the US. He was appointed associate professor and hakubi scholar at Kyoto University in 2012, and moved to Osaka University in 2015. Since 2017, he his a member of the council of the Business History Society of Japan. His research focuses on the business and economic history of medicine, on the business history of luxury and fashion, and on the history of multinational enterprises. His recent publications include Industries and Global Competition: A History of Business Beyond Borders (Routledge, 2017, co-edited with Bram Bouwens and Takafumi Kurosawa) and articles in Business History, Business History Review, and Enterprise & Society.
Council member: Rolv Petter Amdam, Norwegian Business School, Norway (2022-2025)

Rolv Petter Amdam is Professor of Business History at BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo, where he also teaches global strategy. In 2015, he was the Alfred D. Chandler jr. visiting fellow at Harvard Business School, and in 2017 fellow at the Weatherhead Center at Harvard. His research focuses on the global expansion of executive education, and on developing bridges between business history and management/international business. In addition to the business history journals, Business History, Business History Review, Enterprise & Society, and Management & Organizational History, he has published in journals such as Journal of World Business, Management & Organization Review, and Academy of Management Learning & Education.
Council member: Maiju Wuokko, University of Helsinki, Finland (2022-2025)

Maiju Wuokko is University Researcher at the Centre for Nordic Studies (CENS), University of Helsinki, Finland. She defended her PhD thesis at the University of Helsinki in 2016. Her research focuses on ‘political business history’ i.e. on the history of business and employer associations and business political activity, as well as on the history of industrial relations and the development of employer policies. She has published in journals such as Scandinavian Journal of History, Scandinavian Economic History Review, Business History, and Economic and Industrial Democracy. Her ongoing research projects examine, e.g., the history of Finnish development co-operation and the role of business actors in it.
Council member: Rafael Castro, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (2023-2026)

Rafael Castro is Associate Professor at the University Autónoma de Madrid. His research includes work on business history, foreign direct investments, and intellectual property rights. His latest research focusses on the history of the brand, with a double special issue in Business History (“The Brand and Its History: Economic, Business, and Social Value”, with Patricio Sáiz) and on the interactions between FDI and IPRs in the long run (“Foreign Direct Investment and Intellectual Property Rights: International Intangible Assets in Spain over the Long Term”, with Patricio Sáiz, that was awarded the Mira Wilkins Prize 2018 and the Philip Scranton Best Article Prize 2018 from the Business History Conference). His publications also include articles in Industrial and Corporate Change, Entreprises et Histoire and Business History Review, among others.
Council member: Valentina Fava, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy (2023-2026)

Council member: Neil Forbes, Coventry University, UK (2023-2026)

I am a Professor of International History, and I have held several senior, academic posts at Coventry University. My research focuses on the interaction of foreign policy with the practices of business, especially those of multinational enterprise, in the context of the interwar, international crisis and the coming of the Second World War. I also study the relationship between Europe’s rich cultural heritage and its peoples, particularly how the tangible and intangible legacies of conflict and war underpin the multiple identities of Europe and its nation states. As Principal Investigator or Co-ordinator, I have led several international research projects funded by national and pan-European agencies. I am a member of several professional and advisory bodies, and act in this capacity for UK Research and Innovation and European bodies such as Europe’s Joint Programming Initiative.
Council member: Eric Godelier, École Polytechnique, France (2023-2026)

Eric Godelier is a Professor of Business History and management at Ecole Polytechnique (French Best School of Engineers). Between 2002 and 2017, he was the Dean of the Humanities and Social Science Department. He was in charge of developing and coordinating management and business history courses. He has been educated at École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, in economics and management studies. He has made a Phd in History at EHESS on the French steel corporation Usinor (1948-1986). Since 2018, He is the president of the French Association for Business History (AFHE, Association Française pour l’Histoire des Entreprises) and member of Entreprises et Histoire editorial committee. Since 2020, He is a member of the BHC board of Trustees. Since 2022, He is the Director of the BHC Doctoral Colloquium. In the Ecole Polytechnique research center on Social Sciences, he is studying the conception and diffusion processes of management tools and models in an historical and anthropological perspective. He was the president of the steering committee of the 2023 Paris international congress on French Business History in Paris. With 3 colleagues (P. Mioche, P. Raggi and I.Kharaba), He has edited a Dictionnary of the History of French Steel Industry published in 2022 by the Presses Universitaires de Provence. The book contains 280 entries written by nearly 120 French and Foreign authors.
Council member: Jan-Otmar Hesse, Universität Bayreuth, Germany (2023-2026)

Jan-Otmar Hesse is a professor of economic and social history at the university of Bayreuth since 2015. Before that, he was professor of economic history at university of Bielefeld, Alfred D. Chandler Fellow in International Business History at Harvard Business School, replacement professor at university of Göttingen, assistant professor at university of Frankfurt. He is a board member of the German Society of Business History (GUG) since 2011, among many other board memberships. His research is at the intersection of business history, economic history and history of economics. His last book explains the strong export drive of the German economy by referring to a particular “obsessive” attitude in the business and political elite. He published in leading field journals on the globalization of German textiles industry, state-owned enterprises, and political economy. His current research project involves questions of corporate tax management.