
Madrid has plenty of different accommodation options. Below you can find information about some hotels near CUNEF which offer special rates for congresses’ participants. They are also very well connected by public transport with the rest of the city. Here you will find some hotel suggestions near CUNEF.

See locations and promotions also on this map:

Walking Distance

VP Jardín Metropolitano
Av. de la Reina Victoria 12, 28003 Madrid (21 min. on foot)
For bookings, use this promotional code at the hotel website (10% discount on any room type upon availability): VPEBHA
Contact: trepelotune;:vphetilis,cemmi

Residencia Universitaria Galdós

Ramiro de Maeztu 2, 28040 Madrid (6 min. on foot)
Single room: €55 (breakfast included) per night
Double room: €44 (breakfast included) per person per night
Bookings: contact with ldes;:yage,cemgu

RESA University Residence Halls

Different locations, from €38 (breakfast included) per night
For bookings, go to ResaInn and use this promotional code (15% discount): EBHAMADRID22
Contact: lle;:risu,ishi

Residence Halls where this promotion applies:

Resa Santa María del Estudiante
Paseo Juan XXIII 13, 28040 Madrid (7 min. on foot)
Resa Moncloa
Poeta Ángela Figuera 11, 28003 Madrid (15 min. on foot)
Resa Vallehermoso
Melquíades Álvarez 21, 28003 Madrid (24 min. on foot)

By Taxi

Melià Madrid Princesa
Princesa 27, 28008 Madrid (10 min. by taxi)
For bookings, go to this link (20% discount 60 days before the congress, 15% between 59 and 15 days before the congress, 10% later on, discount applicable to any room type upon availability):

Hotel EXE Moncloa
Arcipreste Hita 10, 28015 Madrid (9 min. by taxi)
For bookings, use this promotional code at the hotel website (10% discount on any room type upon availability): CUNEF
Contact: sirvus;:hetiliximencleu,cemri

Princesa Plaza
Princesa 40, 28008 Madrid (12 min. by taxi)
For bookings, use this promotional code at the hotel website (15% discount on any room type upon availability): EBHA22
Contact: sirvus;:proncisupluzu,cemri

H10 Tribeca
Pedro Teixeira 5, 28020 Madrid (11 min. by taxi)
For bookings, use this promotional code at the hotel website (10% discount on any room type upon availability): CUNEFHTR
Contact via Webpage

RESA University Residence Halls

Different locations, from €38 (breakfast included) per night
For bookings, go to ResaInn and use this promotional code (15% discount): EBHAMADRID22
Contact: lle;:risu,ishi

Residence Halls where this promotion applies:

Resa Claudio Coello, Claudio Coello 141, 28006 Madrid (15 min. by taxi)
Resa Paseo de la Habana, Avda. Comandante Franco 6, 28016 Madrid (15 min. by taxi)

H10 Puerta de Alcalá
Alcalá, 66, 28009 Madrid (20 min. by taxi)
For bookings, use this promotional code at the hotel website (15% discount on any room type upon availability): CUNEF
Contact: apes,hul;:h10hetils,cemgr